Saturday, March 21, 2009

Paradise Lost

1) Paradise Lost differs from the biblical account because of the perspective. Biblically, the writters are men of God who have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible talks about Satan and his demons but it is never written from Satans perspective. With Paradise Lost, the entire book is from Satan's perspective. An example of this perspective is when Satan says, "Either to disenthrone the King of Heav'n We war, if war by best, or to regain our own right lost... (pg 2566, lines 230-232).
2) I think that the reason Milton wrote Paradise Lost is because he wanted to show another aspect of the fall of man. The descriptions, perspectives and language within Paradise Lost really enhance my understanding of the fall of man. The reason it helps me is because, it shows the mentality of our Enemy. I think that we as Christians sometimes forget that we are in battle grounds. Although with Jesus Christ on our side we are victorious, it is important to remember that we have an Enemy.
3) The relationship between Adam and Eve within Book 4 of Paradise Lost is a relationship of understanding and utter glory! Its beautiful! The relationship was a partnership of freedom. Much of the book 4 is explaining this glory and freedom. For example, lines 290 begin "In naked majesty, seemed lords of all, and worthy seemed; for in their looks devine the image of their glorious Maker shone." Both Adam and Eve had a realization of who their Maker was. "Sole partner and sole part of all these joys, Dearer thyself than all; needs must the power that made us, and for us this ample world, be infinitely good... (412-414)." Another aspect of their relationship was, Adam was the head and Eve was "submissive." According the Genesis 3:16, "Your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over." Before the fall Eve did not experience this desire. Their relationship was completely inundated by trust and safety. Adam, "in delight both of her beauty and submissive charms smiled with superior love...."
4) One of the issue's within Paradise Lost is easily applicable to the "contemporary" issues we face today. In Book 9, Even explains to Adam that she is starting to believe their happiness is frail. Adam in response explains that "best are all things as the will of God ordained them...nothing deficient left of all that he created...." Just as Adam had to defend the Lord and his goodness, so we also have to defend our God. Being that life is truely hard as a result of the fall, we will always be having to reclaim the truths of our God. We need to encourage eachother when one is discouraged. Society has a difficult time believing in God because of the pain and hurt around them and just as Adam encouraged Eve, so we also have to "encourage" and live out the power of God and his love to the world around us.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you are working in specifics, but avoid long quotes. Just make reference to the incident is fine in most cases unless the wording itself is significant for some reason. Work on connecting your ideas better. Sometimes they are choppy.
