Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Everyman, written by Dramatis Personae is overflowing with not only biblical references and idea's but also catholic ideas. This story grately reminds me of the infamous Pilgrims Progress. First of all, this story is about a man who goes on a journey. He is sought out by God to go on a journey where he will see all of his good deeds and also his evilness. Just as we are also sought out by God to go on specific journeys, this man was also. Another truth within this story is found within the desolate, lonely Everyman. Just as Everyman was left alone, we also as followes of Jesus Christ may find ourselves "shunned" by the world. God is the only one we can truely count on to see us through. People will disappoint us but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. "In the House of Salvation: We shall find him in that place that shall us comfort, by God's grace (lines 540-545, 1835)."

Not only were biblical truths found within this story but Catholocism also. For example, Everyman makes many references to Mary, the Saints and also to Good Deeds. Although in the end he communes directly to the Lord, he does turn to Mary and other finite beings for the salvation that only is found within Jesus. An example of this is found on page 1830. Everyman says "Of all my works I must show, How I have lived and my days spent... Therefore I pray you go thither with me to help me make mine account, for saint charity."

This story shows alot about the culture during that time period but it is also contemporary and relevant to today. Being that the culture back then was very much impacted by the Catholic church and the idea of "earning" your salvation, this theme is very popular within the piece. Also, Catholic terminology is found within Everyman, words such as penance, confession, saints, the names of the characters.

Aside from the medieval culture idealogies, this continues to be a piece of work that is relevant to modern times. I think the main reason it will always be relevant is because, we as finite human beings will always be on a "journey" and that journey is also known as life. Just as Everyman was attempting to find answers and hope, we as people do that everyday. People take comfort in reading stories such as Everyman because it reminds them that they are no alone in the journeys we find ourselves on. Know matter the era or the year, people will always be able to relate to the "journey" of life, the search for significance and most importantly, salvation.

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